I'm Dying...

by - Monday, March 15, 2010

OK... I'm probably not really dying... I don't feel like I am dying.

But... don't you hate it when you go for blood work, then the doctor's office calls for a follow-up appointment and they can't see me FOR SEVEN DAYS!

I suppose if I was really dying they'd get me in sooner.

I hope.

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  1. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Wouldn't hold your breath on that one! Love MO

  2. When I had cancer.. my EMERGENCY appointment was a MONTH away!!

    Likely just an iron deficiency though.. Cathy has had that happen to her lots.

  3. Oh and sometimes, you can bully them into telling you stuff on the phone.. I am a master. Tears work well.. also saying it is ridiculous to have to WORRY for a week and think the worst that entire time..

  4. well...dont you live in canada? isnt it the standing joke that the healthcare stinks?

    at least, thats what we're all worried about over here will happen to us if the healtcare reform is passed! If we are dying we wont get seen for days.

    i really hope you arent!

  5. Exactly. It's like the 7 days thing is a blessing. They are squeezing in all the really sick people before they get to little ol' healthy you :)

    I hope.

  6. That's the spirit!

    Sort of... ;-)
