FU Monday

by - Monday, August 17, 2009

I hope you are all having an effing-fantastic Monday!

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  1. Equally miserable over here, and my brother is having a bad Monday too. We all feel your pain!

  2. misery is me. 36c humidex and an apartment that could double as the 7th circle of hell ... allergy attack ... hiccups. work was fine ... when i wasn't sneezing or hiccuping ... bah!

  3. fabulous - i totally had an F U monday - thank you!

  4. I had to work but I've had a lot of wine so I think it's all worked out. Hi!

  5. Thank you as well -- an equally craptastic Monday for me as well. Tuesday hasn't been fabulous either...nor last week for that matter. I think I need a vacation! Commiserating is fun, though :)
