Just say no... to online dating...

by - Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm throwing in the towel.

Waiving the white flag.

I'm giving up online dating.

I don't get it... a boy messages me, I message back... and then nothing.

It's like they've disappeared off the fact of the earth, yet I know they're still there.

I don't get how I can make a negative impression in an e-mail that says "thanks for the message... I've got (insert random event) planned for the weekend... you?" when I'm just responding to their message.

Maybe it's because I don't offer sex in a first message?  I don't know.

And I have decided I don't care anymore.

All of my profiles (all two of them) have been deleted.  If I can't meet a man the old fashioned way then I'm just not going to meet one.

And I'm okay with that.

Relationships are too expensive anyways, and I'm saving up for New Zealand, Australia and possibly Tasmania next summer.

I have my priorities.  And men with accents are obviously one of them!

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  1. The odds aren't good on online dating anyways.. I had a ratio of 4 losers to 1 decent guy when I did that.

  2. ugh, welcome to the millenium! lol its mostly cus some other girls response was offering sex...its hard to find a good guy online. the right one will come along, in the real world, and you will have the online experience under your belt! its way too much work to weed thru the creeps to find a good one!!

  3. Jenny from the Block10:24 AM

    I just had some guy contact me and his profession stated he had a PhD in Orgasmic Science ... Like seriously? ... sigh ..

  4. Kat - ONLY 4 to 1! Mine was much much much higher 7-1 maybe or even higher than that.

    Oh Carmen...I hear ya I do. And I totally support your trip to Oz :)

  5. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I wouldnt say no to online dating. I found a new site and im having a blast with dating. The people seem real and cool. www.YouHadMeAtHello.com

  6. I totally agree and after 2 and half years of on-again and off-again online dating, I've finally hung up my gloves. The problem is this...most of the men on there have problems, big emoitional problem (commitment phobes, serial daters, sex addicts or just plain are a#$holes) or there are so many choices for them it's like shooting fish in a barrel and if another seemingly loose girl contacts him...poof, he's gone. They are window shoppers and let's face it, most good guys get snatched up right away before resorting to online dating.

    I'm going to wait to meet someone the old fashioned way too and see what happens because the stories I could tell are something out of a romantic comedy, here's just a few: he was on an organ donor list for a kidney and has a permanent catheter into his body for dialysis...didn't tell me until date number 5. Seriously? you shouldn't be on match.com! Another guy pulled out a photo album of his daughter who he's eerily obsessed with and whoops, an 8x10 glossy of his ex-wife who just happens to be an "exotic dancer" falls out of the photo album ---see ya dude!

    Good Luck Ladies!
