The Best Blog Evah...
Well, next to my friends blogs and my stamping blogs that is... everyone whould visit 15 Minute Lunch - damn this guy is cracking me up!!
Oh... and as a total random sidenote (is that supposed to be two words??)... don't scratch your cornea... 'cause it hurts like a bitch... and then they want you to wear an eye patch... and then you look like a pirate... and then you can't really drive properly since you have no peripheral vision... which isn't cool when you have to pick you mom up at the airport... but keep in mind that you should go see a doctor since they put drops in your eye and then by the next day your eye will feel a bazillion times better (considering yesterday I wanted to poke my eyes out...) - but you will have to wear glasses for a few days... which is better than being blind...
Enough rambling...
Sorry about your eyeball.