Etsy... my Nemisis...

by - Saturday, February 28, 2009

I have spent a lot of time so far this weekend surfing Etsy in search of... well, nothing in particular really. While I came across some stuff that I wouldn't get if the seller paid me to take it off their hands (and for the sake of the innocent I am not going to link to those people... I mean really - there is stuff so ugly on the site that not even the person's mother could appreciate it)... I came across some really wonderful stuff... stuff that if I had a million dollars (btw... did you all hear that Steven Page was leaving Barenaked Ladies? Tragic.) I would snap up in a heartbeat.

Here is some of the stuff that caught my eye...
1. Sushi Duct Tape Wallet
2. White Fortune Cookie keychain (I actually bought this)
3. Scrabble Tile Pennant
4. Leafy Felt Wallet (by none other than Your Wishcake)
5. Rustic Mint Soap (I have used this soap and it is awesome - it helps to know the maker's sister!)
6. a roundy-bottomed tough ruffles zipper purse
7. Yellow Chickadee pouch
8. Letterpress print (Elise is the queen of letterpress)
9. Windy day card set (made by none other than my dear friend Jenn)

There is so much more on the site... I encourage you all to check it out - there is something for everyone (and lots of stuff if your taste is "ugly"... hey - to each his/her own I guess!).

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  1. esty is highly addictive ... i have yet to actually purchase something simply because i fear i would not be able to stop ... but i browse and bookmark a lot.

  2. hah, after reading your tweets about it, i have become fascinated with the duct tape wallet. incredible, really.
