Ten on Tuesday
Ten on Tuesday is hosted by Chelsea and this week’s questions were provided by Elizabeth at E is Random.
1. What are you doing for Thanksgiving this year?
As a Canadian, we already had Thanksgiving (we like to spread out our holidays up here!)... but for American Thanksgiving (which I think is Thursday given all the ads for football) I will be getting ready to go on my cruise!
2. What are you most thankful for this year?
Being strong.
3. Do you have any traditions on Thanksgiving? The parade? Football? Long naps?
Turkey coma.
4. Is it called stuffing or dressing? Is it in the bird or a separate dish?
Stuffing. You stuff it in the bird, you don't dress the bird with it!!
5. Do you cook?
6. What is your favorite dish?
Mashed potatoes with gravy. Enough gravy to sink a ship.
7. What is your dessert preference?
Anything but pumpkin pie. I hate pumpkin pie.
8. What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?
I don't really have one - it's a holiday so no work and no school though!
9. Do you plan to shop on Black Friday?
I wish I'd thought of it earlier and booked my flight for Black Friday instead of Saturday. It would have been so much fun! I could have stampeded people at Walmart and Target!
10. What are you most dreading about Thanksgiving this year?
I dreaded nothing...except the dishes!