Stamping Plan Foiled Again...

by - Monday, March 19, 2007

So, I had to fix my printer, not the new one (thank SBJ), but the old one - I love the internet - I found my solution there. Should've looked sooner in the process... but the printer is fixed... and it is accepting my awesome eBay deal ink...

Then I started downloading songs for Jen and my roadtrip on Friday... needless to say I have spent the last two hours downloading all of the 80's monster ballads that I can find... all I can say - that car is going to be rocking for all the wrong reasons... Jen and I kareoke-ing for five or so hours each way... I can't wait...

But I do have some paper cut out for papercrafting... unfortunately I have to play hockey tomorrow night so god knows when anything will get done...

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