Best. Lecture. Ever.
In my job, I get to lecture people on a weekly almost daily basis. I have my lecture pretty much perfected... it is an fairly equal mix of "what the eff are you doing with your life" and "let's make a plan so that you don't become the world's biggest failure".
But today... I topped all previous lectures.
The one I gave today was Oscar worthy. Seriously - I wish there had been a camera in my office to record the spectacularness of this lecture.
I've rehashed it at least three times today with different people.
I'm still running a high five hours after the lecture that got me through a staff meeting without killing anyone.
It made me happy.
Not because I almost made someone cry.
But because I think I saw a light turn on... a very dim light... perhaps a flicker of candlelight... but a light.
This is why I do my job.
For those light bulb flickering candlelight moments.
If anyone needs me, I'll be over here working on my Oscar acceptance speech.
its gotta feel great to love what you do!!