So here it is... I added a bit of bling in the form of A*Muse twinkle stickers and a couple of Prima flowers. The paper is Blush by Basic Grey - the big 'C' is by Provocraft (I think) and the 'create' is from the Michael's $1.00 bin (which is the $1.50 bin up here in Canada)...And this is a picture of Jen (with one 'n') when we were in Kamloops... this is just before we went in to OT... I don't know if you can see the score on the jumbotron behind her. Can you tell that she has about four Caesar's in her??
And now - my laundry is done, the kitchen is cleaned up from dinner, the whole house has been vacuumed - what else to do? STAMPING!!
Jeepers, I sure am damn cute!