A Break from Our Regularly Scheduled Elation...

by - Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I must take a moment from my general travel exuberance to bring you a moment of WTF!!

So... just called the guy who backed into me... that was supposed to call me last week after he figured out what he was going to do after I gave him a $1300 estimate to fix my car (and he didn't)... and he had the freaking nerve to ask me that if he paid me cash would I accept less money... like I should be paying ANYTHING towards getting my car fixed... I think the loud "NO!" through the phone was pretty self-explanatory...

I mean - I am doing this guy a favor by allowing him to pay cash... but I did tell him that if the work couldn't be done while I was out of the country then he would also have to shell out for a rental car... he said he would call me back tomorrow... I will believe it when I hear his voice on the phone...


Back to my regularly scheduled elation of leaving the country in 47 hours...

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  1. Wanker.

    I can't believe you are off and about now. I've missed you the past week due to internet-interruptus due to moving.


    Happy b-day my friend!
