Before and After...

by - Saturday, August 29, 2009

Here is a preliminary before and after shot... I am less than a week post-op (there I go with all the medical lingo again)... so I am still swollen a bit... I am wearing the same tank top in each picture...
Please don't hold the state of my room/clothing choices/fat gut against me... maybe liposuction is next?

And yes... I am joking about the liposuction... a few sit-ups should work just fine to get my gut in proportion to my new boobs.

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  1. Holy crap!

    They look great!

    Can I say that without getting in trouble.

    I never look at your boobs. NEVER. *looks around shifty eyed*


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Carmen, you look great! :) Glad the recovery is still going well!

  4. Looks great!!!!!! Hopefully not too painful!

  5. Wow! It must be nice to have people look at your eyes for a change! :P

  6. fabulous! you look great ... and you are going to have so much fun shopping for new clothes!

  7. amazing!!!! I want to do this so bad! keep us posted!!!!

  8. i havent been around for a while so i am just getting to this, but WOAH what a difference! Looks great.

  9. Looks great Carmen! Congrats and hopefully you are recovering nicely by now :) (I'm a little behind)
